Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Welcome to Extended Summer School!

Welcome to Extended Summer School! Most of our wonderful counselors from last year are returning for another fun filled summer at camp including, Karly Borrud, Brooke Taylor, Andrea Chodera, Justin Annen, Nicole Annen, Kody Kolata, and Kelli Chvala. We're all very excited for this summer and we hope your child is too! For those of you returning this year we're changing a few things! We'll be having a different theme each day instead of just one theme each week! 

Also, welcome to our blog! This year we'll be using a blog to update parents, campers, and community members on the daily themes of the week, reminders, and updates of the activities, crafts, games, and special events that took place each day!

Check out our theme days!

Over the past couple of days we have been getting to know each other a little better and have even started to decorate the school with things made by our wonderful campers!
Check out what we've been up to the past few days! :)

Goofing around at Savannah Park!

Heads Up 7 Up!

Healthy snack time! :)

Writing in our summer journals!

Building structures using toothpicks and marshmallows! 

Sidewalk paint! :)